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Successful Entrepreneurs Do THESE 5 Things

Wondering if you have what it takes to be like the successful entrepreneurs you admire?

Here’s a hint: You 100% do!

It’s not a matter of having that special something. It’s a matter of doing that special something over and over again until it sticks.

Are you ready to level up your business-game? Start with these five habits.

1. Have the confidence to take big leaps

It takes bravery to quit your job, take financial risks, and make space for freedom, and it all starts with a firm sense of your “WHY.” Once you have that, you can begin to shift toward a mindset of abundance, and it all goes up from there!  

2. Strike a balance between impact and income.

When you create a career out of your “WHY,” you’ll find yourself making more than a profit: you’ll also be making a positive difference.

Check out my interview with Marina Simone on Episode 31 of the Confidence Crown Podcast to find out how SHE did it and how you can too!

3. Put yourself first in business and in life.

When YOU thrive, so does your business.

No matter what field you’re in or the impact you are trying to create, your personal health and wellbeing is number one. Successful entrepreneurs design lives that protect their health and happiness boundaries.

Need help prioritizing your health?? Jessi Beyer talks more about this on Episode 42 of the Confidence Crown Podcast!

4. Set clear, attainable goals with a plan to achieve them.

Goals are attainable when they are specific, action oriented, and include a CLEAR PLAN. Whether your goal is to increase your client base, impact, or income, follow-through is key.

Are you ready to plan and execute your goals? My latest podcast guest literally wrote the book on it. Click here to listen.

5. Be willing to fix what’s not working.

Owning a business isn’t a fairytale. Sometimes, the same confidence it took to START your business comes in handy when things just aren’t working like you thought.

It takes bravery to go back to the drawing board, but successful entrepreneurs do it again and again until they get the RESULTS they are looking for in their lives and brands.

Whether you’re just starting your business or are decades into your career, it is never too late to revisit the habits that make for a successful entrepreneur.

When you do the work to shift your mindset and embrace the habits in this article, you’ll find that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to.

Are you thinking about starting your business? Download my five-step guide to becoming your own boss!

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